7 Best interesting newspaper article and blogs....

          What is Interesting in News Paper :

 Hello Friends !! How many of you are missing newspapers?  I think morning tea with newspaper is the best combination. If I am not wrong,  many of you missed it. Actually I missed it too.There are a lot of newspapers such as "The Times of India", "Indian Express", "Lokmat", "Sakal"," Dainik Bhaskar", etc in many different languages.  For many of us newspapers are a treasure of knowledge, fun, and teachers. There are some interesting things in our newspaper we discussed today. During this lockdown I remembered some interesting pages that I usually followed. These topics made me thoughtful, skillful, helpful and makes me happy.  And I think it will be shared with you.

Speaking Tree :

Speaking tree is the most interesting blog in “Times Of India” . Speaking tree gives us latest spiritual news, spiritual blogs from experts, healing news, motivation, spiritual stories, etc. It gives us positivity while reading. It refreshes our mind and gives happiness. If you want to read these blogs online you can go to Times India website https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/author/speaking-tree/. You can click the given link and read interesting topics which may help you.

Crosswords :

I think most of you know about it. Crosswords are a puzzle. It helps to improve your vocabulary, improves knowledge. It is available in all newspaper English, Hindi, Marathi or regional language. It contains synonyms, anonyms, phrases, etc as a hint to solve it.

Sudoku :

Sudoku is a puzzle that doesn't require math; it is solved by logic. Some of the boxes will  contain numbers starting from 1 to 9. To solve a puzzle you want to fill numbers in row or column without using the same number twice. It improves your logical skills.

Cartoon :

 Cartoons are the favourite section of the newspaper followed by kids and teenagers and adults also. Pictures in cartoons are so attractive and funny. It makes you laugh. Many times it gives us good messages also.

Yoga :
Yoga is a very important part of our daily life. Yoga manages stress, anxiety, and keeps you relaxing. Yoga gives us a healthy life. Meditation is part of yoga and it gives mental fitness and peace of mind. Daily one asana given in the newspaper with its importance and benifits. Yoga asanas build strength, flexibility and confidence. Nowadays everybody talks about yoga and follows it. People are doing yoga at their home ,yoga classes, yoga centers, etc.

Fashion and Styles:

 Fashion is “to wear what you love and be yourself” !! Fashion is important because it has potential to bring different people together to celebrate their own individuality. Whatever you wear it shows your personality, attitude, life, etc. Style express what you are and gives you self image and confidence.
Quotes and Poetry:
    Quotes and Poetry liked by many people. It refreshes you and makes you emotional. Poetry and Quotes make your mind blow. It gives you happiness and joy. Poetry and Quotes gives you a good message.

Ok friends this is all abou newspaper which i wanted to share with you. I hope you like this blog. Thank you.


  1. Your blog was interesting to read and I came to know many information because of it.

  2. Small but life changing tips....

    This hobby make perfect life


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