7 Reasons Why Organic Food Gets Better

 Organic Food : Eat healthy, Stay fit...

 Hello friends , I am very grateful  as I received a great response from you on my first blog. Now we are discussing today one of the healthiest topics, as we know we bring  vegetables and foods from the market daily, but how many of you know that vegetables and foods which we bought are healthy or not. Let me explain: vegetables and foods  we bought from the market are organic or non organic.

 Organic Food and Vegetables:

Nowadays the demand for organic food is too high. Organic food produced in farms.Organic food produced by using methods which follows organic standards. Organic food grows without using chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, etc. Organic food doesn't have any artificial colour, preservatives and genetically modified ingredients.

Organic food grown with natural fertilizers like household garbage, cow dung, etc. Some Pesticides are used but they are naturally derived.Popular products of organic foods are fruits, vegetables, egg, meat, nuts, masalas, dairy products, etc. Meat, egg, dairy products come from animals that are given no growth hormones.

 Nowadays mostly people use organic food in their kitchen. As it is safe, Organic food keeps the environment healthy. Some popular brands sell organic food such as  EcoFresh, Organic India, Organic Tattva, etc.It is also easily available in the market or you can purchase it online from  Amazon, Bigbasket and many more. There are some shops who only sell organic food nearby you. Organic food prices are not too high.You can buy these foods within your budget.

Some Benefits of Organic Food :

  1. Organic food remains fresh for a long time as it  doesn't have any preservatives.

  2. Organic farming keeps the environment healthy.

  3. Organic food is very nutritious as it preserves its vitamin and other oxidants.

  4. People who have allergies for preservatives, chemicals, etc they can go for organic foods.

  5. It boosts the immune system.

  6. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  7.  It also reduces risk of cancer.

 One more thing locally grown food means food which grows in your garden or terrace are different. Locally grown foods are not organic foods. Organic food ensures a safe and healthy world for the coming generation.So if we get organic food at nearly the same rate as non-organic food then “why should we not go for it” !!!


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